
Meet Our Founder: Eve King


Our Story

The Wild Ride Begins
Hey, friend! Let me tell you, my life has been a wild ride—drama, trauma, and all the bad choices you could imagine. I grew up as an Army brat, lived through a chaotic childhood, and then, at 14, Jesus found me! I wish I could say that poof, my life turned perfect, but nope! Instead, there was teenage pregnancy, marriage, divorce… all before I was 18! Not my best string of decisions, but here’s the thing: God has this incredible way of using our mess for His glory, doesn’t He?

Turning Point: Nursing and New Beginnings
After crawling through all that mayhem, I finally decided to get serious with Jesus and make some better choices—like nursing school! That was a game-changer. Shortly after, I married the love of my life (yep, the real deal), and suddenly, we had our little family of three. But, just as things were looking up, life threw another curveball—losing custody of my daughter.

Hitting Rock Bottom
Let me tell you, nothing will drive a mama to madness quicker than losing her child. I spiraled into a deep depression. It was a hard season, but in the midst of that darkness, God showed up. Funny how He likes to work in the most unexpected ways, right? Slowly, I realized I had been viewing God through the lens of punishment, but He wasn’t waiting to punish me—He was waiting to love me.

Discovering God’s Heart
This was the moment I began a lifelong journey of trusting God and truly getting to know His heart. When I let go of fear and condemnation, I started to grasp that He is a God of love, mercy, and grace—ready to love me no matter what. Sounds simple, but it was a hard pill to swallow. Even now, it’s a daily practice to hold onto that truth. But sister, I’ve got this truth by the tail, and I’m not letting go! And guess what? I’m going to share it with everyone who will listen!

From Nurse to Entrepreneur
Fast forward a few years: we’re cruising along, life is good. Then, boom—the pandemic hits. After 25 years in nursing, I almost lost my job because of some deep convictions. It was a tough time, but as God often does, He opened a new door. I stumbled upon professional organizing—who knew my obsessive need to put everything in its place could be a business? Turns out, it could!

Life Coaching: The True Calling
But that wasn’t all. As I dove into my organizing business, I felt God nudging me toward something even bigger. I spent a lot of time in prayer, seeking His guidance, and bam, life coaching entered the picture. Helping Christian women overcome their mindset struggles? Now that is where my heart truly landed.

Mindset Shift and Letting Go
Here’s the thing—so many of us are overwhelmed, anxious, and drowning in the lies the world throws at us: “You need to look like this,” “You should buy that,” “You must be perfect.” Sister, it’s exhausting! But you know what? Jesus has a much better plan for us. His yoke is easy, His burden is light. That’s the real peace we all crave, and that’s what I want to help you find.

The Journey Continues
So here we are—on a journey together. You’re going to get to know me, and we’re going to tackle some hard topics, but we’ll do it with lots of grace and a good dose of humor. Life’s too crazy not to laugh at it, right?
A few fun facts: I’m at church every chance I get because I love hearing the Word. I have a dog, Charlotte, who is my world. I hate exercise, but sneak it in when I’m not paying attention. I love black licorice (don’t judge), Mexican food, and lifting others up. Most importantly, I’m here to share the lessons God has put on my heart, and I hope they help you in your journey.

Are You Ready?
So, what do you think? Are you ready to put on your big girl pants (mine are yoga pants, by the way) and start living out God’s purpose for you? Ready to let go of the mindsets that are holding you back, and step into the peace and joy that God has for you? If so, let’s do this together.
Our mission is clear: to empower Christian women to transform their mindsets, discover their true identity, and align their lives with God’s purpose. We’re in this together, friend. Let’s get started!

Let me tell you about myself

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind

2 Timothy 1:7

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Living In His Purpose Life Coaching

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